"But, we don't have our wedding speeches!" No problem. I've written your wedding speech for you.
Use my complete wedding speech template.
There's a wedding speech for the Best Man
and a different wedding speech for the Groom.
The complete package is ready to download. Allow 15 seconds.
Your problem is a common one!
I'm solving someone's wedding speech problem
about ten times every day. First step is to download the wedding speech ebook. Then you personalise my 'Wedding Speech Template For The Groom' and turn it into your speech.
Presto - YOUR wedding speech will be COMPLETED within ten minutes.
I've included a humorous speech template for the Best Man / Groomsman.
PLUS some 'romantic whispers' for the Groom. Total combo cost = us$10. How To Write Both Men's Wedding Speeches in 10 Minutes. Amazing, yes. That's with my money-back guarantee.
Friday 5.15pm Dear Friends,
My name is Brian Morris and I'm a professional wedding speeches writer.
I know all about your problem. I solve this problem about ten times a day. Truly.
Your complete wedding speeches template package takes about 15 seconds to download.
Fact is: I've written your wedding speech for you.
It's right here, as a wedding speech template.
It's ready for you to download NOW. It's suitable for any PC or MAC, anywhere in the world.
My package has two speech templates ALREADY PRE-WRITTEN.
One for the Best Man / Groomsman.
Plus a different wedding speech template for the Groom.
You just fill in the gaps with people's names etc.
Let me say that again. YOU just fill in people's names.
You can download everything for US$10. Click the DOWNLOAD button How easy is it to just write people's names into the _ _ _ gaps.
The bride's name _ _ _ Bridesmaids' names _ _ _ and _ _ _
Both sets of parents' names. Uncles and aunts. All the people you want to thank.
It's all here - in the proper order, so you won't miss anybody. Write names in the gaps and -- instantly -- you have a totally personalised wedding speech.
You'll have complete speeches. You'll make people laugh.
Your mother will cry with joy because you're doing so well.
Your friends will be absolutely amazed.
I know I've saved a lot of blokes' bacon. (Especially if the wedding is tomorrow!)
Even if they've never given a speech before.
Hey, ESPECIALLY if they've never given a speech before.
Let me tell you this: I've written wedding speech templates for some really difficult clients. Some barely spoke English. That's OK. So long as they can read English. And stay semi-sober.
The worst disasters at any wedding are the smart asses who try to 'wing it' on the day.
You know the kind. "Don't worry, I'll think of something..."
(That's the WORST DISASTER you can do to yourself, to the bride and to her family.
I've got a speech template for the Groom and a different wedding day speech for the Best Man / Groomsman. Just write names in - - - - gaps like this.
(It can be hard to remember your father-in-law's full name for instance when you're stressed about giving your wedding speech.)
I take away all the guesswork for you. That's guaranteed!
"Nice speech, son. Well done."
After you've both delivered your wedding speeches there will be some delightfully surprised people. The new bride for one. The Groom's new father-in-law and mother-in-law. For sure! Your friends will be absolutely astounded. They didn't expect you could deliver the goods.
(Speechwise, that is.)
Let me tell you what makes my template package so special.
Once you write names in the gaps in the wedding speech template where I've indicated:
in spaces like this__________my speech template becomes YOUR SPEECH.
Here's why your speech will be exactly right for your wedding day.
You'll thank all the right people.
You'll remember everybody and forget nobody. You'll tell a few stories, share a few jokes, people will laugh,
and you'll end on a high. Then you'll sit down to applause. The new bride will beam with admiration.
Your own family will be astounded. The bridesmaids will be impressed.
That's what you want isn't it?
Download the complete wedding speeches package @ us$10.
Have your Mastercard or Visa credit card ready.
You'll be asked "Which email address do we download your wedding speech to?"
The download fee is a simple $10 total payment and it solves ALL your wedding speech problems, for the Groom and Best Man / Groomsman. That makes it a genuine bargain.
Here's what you get. It's quite a lot:
- 1 Romantic wedding speech template for the Groom.
- 1 Humorous wedding speech template for the Best Man / Groomsman.
Plus you get ALL these free bonuses:
20 Wedding Toasts from around the world. Pick whatever you want to suit the occasion.
20 Wedding day anecdotes and stories of ancient wedding customs.
The Best Man can keep the people amused when proceedings go quiet, (as they do).
A list of the 100 photographs you should ask your photographer to take, so no one is missed out. You'll seem so clever and thoughtful for remembering to photograph all the grannies and grandchildren together, etc.
When the bride asks you whether the wedding date is good FENG SHUI, you'll have the right answers. "Yes, it's a great date. I CHECKED FOR YOU." It's all here. With websites if you want more information.
Download the complete wedding speeches package now for $10.
Click now. Download takes less than 15 seconds. Have your Mastercard or Visa credit card ready. Encryption secure site is the same as used by Swiss banks and the US Military.
The total download fee is $10 (nothing more) and it solves all your wedding speech problems. Yes, ten dollars removes all the stress of not having a wedding day speech ready yet.
After you've downloaded it you can spend time with your lover.
I've done the speech writing for you. Go and enjoy your wedding.
Brian Morris CTM That's me being awarded as a professional speech writer. My 30 years experience writing speeches is your guarantee. Office address: 1 Weka Place, Picton 7220, New Zealand. Telephone 0064211922936 Email: I list my worldwide telephone number to support my 100% money-back guarantee.
If you're still not sure . . .
Think about the disaster that can happen if you try to make up your wedding speech on the day - and you have nothing prepared. My template speech is your insurance policy against disaster! Please don't "Wing It" or someone is sure to capture your moment of panic on a video. Before you know it, you'll be on YouTube for everyone to laugh at your embarrassment. PS My complete wedding day package includes a selection of 'sweet nothings' for the Groom to whisper into her ear - and some love poems.
Keep these for your wedding night and honeymoon. You'll be the unexpected romantic. Wink, wink, nod, nod.
Tip: buy the wedding speech template package. Think of the $10 as a personal insurance policy.
I guarantee you will NOT have a disaster if you use my wedding speech template package. Click below. Download takes 15 seconds.
If you haven't clicked the BUY NOW button yet, please read this.
I could save your life. > > >
As a professional speechwriter, I write speeches. It's my job and I'm very good at it. A fresh, new and exciting three minute speech usually takes me three hours to prepare. Yes, professional speakers allow an hour of preparation for each minute of delivery. That's the difference between a well-crafted speech which people applaud generously and . . . the ones where we all think "The poor sod is digging his own grave."
Question: Do you have that sort of time?
I've been married twice and I've been Best Man and MC for many friends. So I know you are under stress right now. I was too when it was my turn to get married. (That was before I learned how to write speeches professionally.)
I was young and I broke out in a hives rash. Pink skin blotches look bright red in wedding photos - and you can't use 'red-eye removal' on blotchy red skin.
I'll tell you another reason why I was stressed. I knew there was only one chance to do it right.
You don't want to look a fool or a bumbling, mumbling idiot in front of all your family, friends and work mates. You want your new wife to think you're cool. Organised. Not overheating worse than a Model T going up a steep hill.
Yes, most people sweat blood when it's their turn to give a wedding speech. The stress can stop you sleeping at night. Hardly the right way to start married life.
What you REALLY need right now is a well-crafted wedding speech. One that includes all the essential elements, in the right order. No one need know I wrote it for you.
You can download it now. For your sake, I hope you do.
Download the complete package now for $10. Download takes 15 seconds.
One more thing . . .
You're the one getting married. For the sake of your health you need to make a decision. Let me help you. If you download your wedding speech now you can get on with your wedding plans.
Otherwise you'll spend the next few days worrying about your wedding speech, searching the Net, going to the library, writing drafts late into the night? Rewriting it. Then scrapping it and starting over again.
You should be spending this precious time with your beloved.
Remember, she needs your help with a dozen wedding choices she needs to discuss with you.
If you're not there she'll ask her mother's advice.
You can expect little hints like "Do you really need Sky Sports Channel dear?" or "You could rent the apartment next to me." or "Let me check your pre-nuptual agreement one more time, dear. In case I missed something."
Remember, I've been in your exact situation. Twice! That's why I decided to put my personal experience and my speechwriting skills to our mutual advantage. Friends complained to me how they experienced the exact same frustrations just before their weddings.
Should they spend time with their fiance or put hours into writing a wedding speech? Dumb question! You should be at her side! Even right now.
Basically, all you want is a wedding speech that sounds great on the day. Who cares who wrote it. You can download my wedding speech template package right now.
You'll have it in under 15seconds.
By the way, our credit card encryption security system is the same as used by Swiss banks and the US Military. No one gets to see the number of your credit card except you.
You'll be asked "Which email address do we send the complete speech package to?" The name on your purchase document says you bought it from Brian Morris (that's me.)
Click here to download the full speech package for $10.
Well done! Now you can enjoy your wedding, without being stressed. I'm glad I could help you.
My template package helps the MC, the groom and the best man / groomsman.
That's a lot of stress relief for $10.