How To Write A Short Ebook For Amazon - Fiction or Non-Fiction. Your choice. From start to finish in 14 days. - Most authors take months, even years, to write a traditional printed-on-paper book of about 90,000 words. Ebooks are shorter. Some can be written within 7 days - 14 days. - My friend Richard Webster has had 140 books published. He writes four books a year. - I've completed 44 ebooks myself (by following his advice), with no rejections. Most are on Amazon. Others are on - Everything Richard writes gets published and he hasn't had a rejection in decades. The reason is simple. Richard discusses the book topic with his publisher BEFORE he starts writing a single word and he has learned HOW TO WRITE NON-FICTION QUICKLY. - We are both quick writers. That's one of the keys to writer profitability. - In this ebook I've listed the top 48 topics* which another super-successful ebook author / mentor says are the hottest topics to write about - because they always sell. I follow that instruction. (So should you.) - This ebook explains how YOU can become a writer of short ebooks which sell on Amazon. (How many you sell depends on your topic. More so than your actual writing skill! Not many writers know that.) - Your royalties will keep rolling in for 50 years. - This ebook includes THREE BONUS items. Really useful helpers. For example, Bonus #3: If you get stuck and the various Q&A answers I've given you in the book STILL haven't helped you get unstuck, you call me. Yes, telephone me. Buying this ebook includes my offer to HELP YOU, if I can. - Ebooks are quicker to write than printed books. Ebooks are produced in a shorter time than paper-bound books for several reasons. Significantly, they tend to have fewer pages, typically from 20 to 100. - Most successful non-fiction ebooks address a particular niche topic or problem. When that topic is covered, the ebook is complete. Job done. THAT is when you count the number of words - not before. - Writing short ebooks is a mind-set thing. The vital first step is to identify a narrow niche topic you will enjoy writing about. That's what makes it fun. Fun to write and probably fun to read. - I proved (to myself) this tactic works when I set out to write a complete ebook in one day. Absolute truth. I started at 8am Saturday 26 November 2011 and finished at 7pm that day, with only a short break for a sandwich lunch. The excitement of the task drove me on. - It was a simple instruction book. How to grow sexy upside-down tomatoes. It sells steadily at $5 - many years later. I took all the photos and wrote the text in a burst of two-fingered enthusiasm. Frankly, it was a buzz. (BTW, Tom Gardiner is me. My ebook explains nom-de-plume names - and you should know when to use one!) - Why are non-fiction ebooks cheaper? Usually, they are short books. They don't have as many hours of the author's time invested in making them, and you know time is money. I can afford to offer a book for $5 if it only took me a day to write. Some I offer at $1. (Such as How to make a map lampshade. Amazon code = b00c1ap0hu. That one also took just one day to write.) - Ebooks don't need typesetting, plates, printing, ink, paper, binding, cardboard cartons, warehousing, insurance, trucking, shipping or distribution. These overheads are significant in the traditional book publishing industry. - Best of all, ebooks never get remaindered. So there is no built-in fund for unsold book recovery from retailers, return shipping costs, shredding and pulping costs, and waste disposal charges. - The category I have had most success with is "How To" titles. How to do this or How to do that. They are simple instruction books. - Usually they serve an urgent need. Eg: "How to write your wedding day speech in 10 minutes". When the wedding is tomorrow - that's an URGENT NEED. (That ebook is on: ) - Or my ebook will address a high-intensity hobby interest. People with pets, boats, horses, planes, a particular sport, grandchildren etc. Hobby people are well known to spend beyond the common sense level on their passion. (We all do this! No apologies if it's MY own money.) *- There is a list of 48 hot topics in my book which Nick Dawes (my mentor) says sell in big numbers. He should know! - Read the list of 48 topics. Highlight the ONE topic YOU would like to write about this week. Tick some others but keep them for next week. - Note how many top-selling non-fiction ebooks begin "How To" Here are some of the hottest topics for ebooks. - Sorry, no space to list them all here. But they're all in my book. All 48 hot topics. - If you really want to write an ebook, start here, with this list of 48 topics. What Nick calls "The Hot 48". - Read my ebook. Make notes. Above all, make a START. - Your first ebook could be selling on Amazon next week! - Royalties roll in 1-2-3 months later. (Depending on your sales.) - The truly amazing thing is this: You write the ebook ONCE. But your royalties keep on earning for the next 50 years. That's a nice passive income. Very nice! (That's me, the chubby one on the left, being congratulated for making ebook writing easily available to the ordinary person of any age.) - But to get your royalties you must start. This ebook is your guide. Brian Morris. Best Communicator. Toastmasters International. � |